Make sure you tune in this Friday night to the Fox hit show THE GOOD GUYS to see Throwing Stones very own LINDSAY SEIDEL (Lionsgate hit The Final)!
Do you tweet? Now you can follow Throwing Stones the web series on twitter!
Wanna follow along with your favorite STONES character on FB? Well now you can! All you have to do is go to the little SEARCH box and type in these names:
Staci Lambert, Tad Wadlow, Paige Dennis, Rachel Black, Robyn Goode, Asher Van Deen, Chrissy Holden, Dontrelle Williams, Jackson Cole, Finley Jaymes, and I Hate Mr. Beckett.
It's that simple!
Become a fan of the BloodaPalooza FB page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dallas-TX/BloodaPalooza/113750132005769?v=wall&__a=12&